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Category: Everyday Life

It’s An Adventure!

My time in England has been awesome.. I’ve loved every minute of it, and I have a decent amount of photos and stories to share when I get back home, but that’s not what this post is about. I expected my time in England to be awesome, but now I’m finding that my time that isn’t really part of my trip to be an adventure in and of itself.. it’s A Life Experience™.

You see, I was supposed to go home yesterday. But, airlines like to overbook flights, and I’m flying standby and am on the bottom of the priority list. London flights, in particular, are crazy oversold.

So right now I’m in the London airport getting ready to fly to Amsterdam, because Delta (the airline I’m flying on my buddy pass) has a direct from there back to PDX. I’ll be in Amsterdam at 6:30ish PM.. my potential flight back to PDX is at 10:00 AM the next day. Did I mention it’s going to be my birthday? Even if I spend most of my day on the plane, I’ll be starting my birthday off in the Netherlands.

While missing out on 3 flights already was a little frustrating, I took a step back to think about it, and really, I’m going to have so many stories to tell, that it’s worth it all!

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Off to England!

As those of you who follow me on Twitter or are my friend on Facebook know, I am on my way to England for a couple weeks! I’m currently sitting in MSP (the Minneapolis/Saint Paul airport in Minnesota) eating a sandwich and having a beer while I kill lots of time before my flight to Heathrow. I am super excited! I’ll be staying in Oxford for a couple weeks, and hopefully seeing lots of other really cool places. Have I mentioned lately that I have the most awesomest job pretty much ever??

My flight here was pretty uneventful, but I’m not looking forward to the super long flight to get to England. I brought my GameBoy, two knitting projects, my iPod, my laptop, and some sleep deprivation. Hopefully between all those things I will keep myself entertained.

I’ll try to update often with what I’ve been up to in England, but if not, I’ll write a good post when I get back home. I’m so excited, wheeeeeee!

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Third Time’s The Charm

I learned a lot in the time that I had Vinz,and in the time I had Xoie, about raising puppies, qualities I should look for in a dog, my own shortcomings, and so on and so forth. I learned about not letting the “dogs are for life” people and their mentality get to me when I realize that sometimes, you’re doing a dog a dis-service by keeping it, because some dogs need different things than what I can give them, no matter now much I wish I could. Vinz flat out needed a yard and some kids to chase. I didn’t have a yard, or the energy to run around for hours on end (or the time). Xoie needed way more devotion and attention than I had to spare, and somebody that she respected (which was totally not me). So, I did what needed to be done. I found them the right home. Didn’t take the easy way out and leave them at a shelter – I gave them what they needed, and I feel I did the right thing for everyone involved.

Which, however, left me without a furry friend, which is a very sad position to be in.

But I learned a few things from it all for my next attempt. First, I evidently can’t raise a puppy. I am horrible at housebreaking, and horrible at making sure that the puppy knows what’s okay to chew on and what’s not. Second, small dogs are brats. Like, really. They’re cute, but they’re brats, and they don’t listen very well. So I went a different route this time.

I’ve adopted a golden retriever/chow chow mix.  He’s about 8 months old, so past the initial puppy stage, but still a young dog. I adopted him from a shelter, instead of a breeder. I didn’t realize how awesome shelter dogs can be! This dog (his name is Toby and he’s AWESOME) seems to be the perfect match for Pod and I. He’s remarkably well behaved, he’s well socialized, we haven’t had any accidents in the house so he appears to be housebroken already, and he knows Sit and Shake. Oh, and he’s adorable.


He’s still adjusting to home life, though. He hasn’t really eaten a whole lot yet, and he follows us where-ever we go or whines if he’s left alone in another room. Today he’s been wandering to the kitchen alone though, so I think he’ll get past that soon.

It also doesn’t seem like he ever learned how to play with toys. He’s pretty disinterested in his rope toy, his plushie toy, the tennis ball.. like he just doesn’t know what to do with them. He also doesn’t seem very amused by treats, though he’s just discovered how great rawhide bones with little meaty-bits in them are. And Greenies.. honestly, I think all dogs love Greenies. But we’re working on the playing.. last night, I heard a Squeak in the other room, which means he at least put the sun plushie in his mouth. Progress! But he seems content to just lay by my feet and have his ears scratched. I loves him. I think I found the right dog for me this time.


My Manhood On The Tripod

Michelle and I were notorious in Jr High and High School for being that crazy duo that thinks in weird ways. We made it a point to do as many projects as we could together, because it was just that much more interesting. The best ever was when we were supposed to do a performance of a scene from Julius Caesar. We got assigned the scene where Julius tells his wife about the dream he had, where they were drinking his blood, as well as some of the happenings before his demise.

We rewrote the scenes Mission Impossible style.

It was cheesy. It has bad music. It was EPIC. Oh, and the dream? We filmed is as a commercial break.

“It’s cool, it’s thick, it’s REFRESHING!”

I find it really disturbing that this is still on the internet, but there is documentation from when this actually happened, on a web page that should not exist and could potentially tarnish my good name ;) What? It was 2000. Cut me some slack. Michelle is looking for the video tapes, because the world needs to see them.

We had also done scenes from another Shakespeare play, in which Michelle plays a man, and stuffs a sock down her pants. The sock is in the Bonus Features, in all kinds of weird places, with a voice over annoucing that “This is my manhood ________________________” (in the tree, on the tripod, etc).

We got A’s, of course.

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Pioneer Fishies

So, remember how I was talking about how I wanted a 10 gallon community tank in my living room? I did one better… we bought a 20 gallon tank. It’s so big, I love it!

Today we added the first few fish to it.

I’m working from the living room today so I can observe. They are obviously still in adaptation mode, but I need to make sure that nobody gets bullied. I did my homework and found a list of fish that can be (relatively) safely housed with a male betta, so I’m keeping an eye on them to make sure he doesn’t start picking on the other fish.

Their initial reaction was a bit different than I’d have expected. Here’s a photo of the tank before I put any fish in it:

Empty Fish Tank

(I totally love the tiki man bwahaha)

So, the betta immediately swam into the big tree decoration. He’s come out a couple of times, but mostly is camping out inside, in the dark, far away from the other 5 fish.

I got two mollies, a white molly and a dalmatian molly (mine is more black than white). The white one initially was hanging out near the surface, and ate most of the food I put in there. Now he’s exploring a little bit more, but still spending more time near the surface than anywhere else. The dalmatian one has been exploring pretty thoroughly and likes to follow the bottom feeder around. Now the two mollies are spending more time near each other.

The neon tetra was initially cowering behind the tall plants (literally, he looked like he was shaking) for a while but is now out and about.

The guppy seems the best adjusted so far, he’s been exploring the whole time and is now content to hang out with the tetra; they’re BFF’s hehe.

And, the cory catfish, in true bottom feeder fashion, is playing with the gravel at the bottom of the tank.

So far everybody looks happy but the betta; I prefer hiding in the dark to attacking other fish though, so we’ll see how he does when he’s done playing in the dark.

Once these fish are established, we’ll pick up a few more; either of similar types or more of what we’ve got.There’s a few other kinds that can co-exist with a betta as long as he’s not snarky. If he seems really docile, I might try some angel fish – they’re labeled as “use caution”, so they may or may not get along with the betta, depending on individual temperament.