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Month: July 2010

It’s An Adventure!

My time in England has been awesome.. I’ve loved every minute of it, and I have a decent amount of photos and stories to share when I get back home, but that’s not what this post is about. I expected my time in England to be awesome, but now I’m finding that my time that isn’t really part of my trip to be an adventure in and of itself.. it’s A Life Experience™.

You see, I was supposed to go home yesterday. But, airlines like to overbook flights, and I’m flying standby and am on the bottom of the priority list. London flights, in particular, are crazy oversold.

So right now I’m in the London airport getting ready to fly to Amsterdam, because Delta (the airline I’m flying on my buddy pass) has a direct from there back to PDX. I’ll be in Amsterdam at 6:30ish PM.. my potential flight back to PDX is at 10:00 AM the next day. Did I mention it’s going to be my birthday? Even if I spend most of my day on the plane, I’ll be starting my birthday off in the Netherlands.

While missing out on 3 flights already was a little frustrating, I took a step back to think about it, and really, I’m going to have so many stories to tell, that it’s worth it all!

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English (US) to English (UK) Translation Failure

Or: “Open mouth, insert foot”. This is probably only funny if you Speak British™, and I’m not explaining it if you don’t get it, cause then it’s not funny!

On Saturday, I was wandering around Oxford with my coworker Simon, who was semi-showing me around (every other thing he said was “Oh, I didn’t know that was there!”). I was commenting on how much better my photos would be if I didn’t have to take them from below. This is the resulting conversation:

Me: “Hmm. It would be awesome if I could levitate!”
Simon: “Yes, that would work quite well.”
Me: *looks down at skirt* “Though, I suppose if I could levitate, I’d have to wear pants more often.”
Simon: “….. o_O”

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Off to England!

As those of you who follow me on Twitter or are my friend on Facebook know, I am on my way to England for a couple weeks! I’m currently sitting in MSP (the Minneapolis/Saint Paul airport in Minnesota) eating a sandwich and having a beer while I kill lots of time before my flight to Heathrow. I am super excited! I’ll be staying in Oxford for a couple weeks, and hopefully seeing lots of other really cool places. Have I mentioned lately that I have the most awesomest job pretty much ever??

My flight here was pretty uneventful, but I’m not looking forward to the super long flight to get to England. I brought my GameBoy, two knitting projects, my iPod, my laptop, and some sleep deprivation. Hopefully between all those things I will keep myself entertained.

I’ll try to update often with what I’ve been up to in England, but if not, I’ll write a good post when I get back home. I’m so excited, wheeeeeee!

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