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Category: Everyday Life

January in (photographic) Review

Here’s a visual of what January looked like for me. If it seems like there’s a lot of pictures of food.. well, I eat every day, so there :)


Clicking the image will show you the thumbnails a little larger, clicking the title of an image below will take you to the Flickr page where you can see the whole image and caption and all that jazz.

1. 001-Werewolf and Vodka, 2. 002-Mousepad and Mouse, 3. 003-Outside, 4. 004-Nail Polish, 5. 005-Cable Macro.jpg, 6. 006-Ashton and Jezebel, 7. 007-Rainbow Yarn Pile, 8. 008-Panicked Chicken (and a sign), 9. 009-Grey Single.jpg, 10. 010-Garlic and Basil.jpg, 11. 011-Kitchen Sailing, 12. 012-Shifting Ramona, 13. 013-Beef Bowl, 14. 014-Happy Birthday, Grandma!, 15. 015-China Flowers, 16. 016-Keys, 17. 017-Quesadilla, 18. 018-Sammich and Salad, 19. 019-Sausage and Pancakes, 20. 020-Sooshi, 21. 021-Flowers, 22. 022-Men in Black, 23. 023-Mt Shasta, 24. 024-Success!!, 25. 025-Blazin’, 26. 026-Dry Ingrediants for Banana Bread.jpg, 27. 027-Banana Nut Bread.jpg, 28. 028-Jessica the Hat Model, 29. 029-Kinect, 30. 030-Pleco, 31. 031-Zucchini Carrot Spice Bread

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Oh Look, It’s December!

Unsurprisingly, I didn’t make it through NaBloPoMo. What can I say, I’m not one for “forced” writing, it’s the same reason I fail NaNoWriMo every year. Oh well. It was a good 12 day run with a long break after.

So what have I been up to? Not much. Trying to cram lots of vacation days into a small amount of space. Playing lots of World Of Warcraft. Watching Netflix and knitting. Same old, same old. My Thanksgiving was quiet due to having to take the dog to the vet instead of going to visit people, and I expect Christmas to be pretty quiet as well. I’ve zero desire to fly until TSA stops with the ridiculous level of security theatre going on these days, so I won’t be going to Los Angeles (sorry friends, I’ll miss you!).

All in all, it looks like it’ll be an uneventful end of the year for me. What do you guys have planned for the holidays?


I Feel Like I’ve Been Typing All Day

Granted, it could be because I pretty much have been.

Like every other weekday, I sat down in front of my computer at 8:00 am and started answering support tickets, which means emailing a lot of people. My days are normally full of typing.

Besides my work emails, there was also a handful of personal emails that I had to reply to. Not to mention the chatting I did, with Yoshi and Rob, among other (blogless) people. We can chat, and that means a whoooole lot of typing.

Somewhere during the day, I wrote a bunch for my NaNoWriMo novel. I’m still on schedule but slowing down already, which doesn’t bode well for the completion of my story. We’ll see. I never win NaNo, but it’s fun to try.

Then… (whew!) I wrote a post on my craft blog about my Glace Icing Cookie Failure. They were delicious cookies, but not the beautiful pieces of art I had wanted them to be. I didn’t mention it in the blog post, but the cookie chefs (Sonia and I) were drinking pirate grog and vodka at the time, which may or may not have had something to do with it.

After I updated that blog, I wrote two future-dated entries for The Natasha Files (a blog that’s written more like a story from the PoV of one of my RP characters), since I’m trying to keep that blog updating on a schedule. I also wrote an entry for Aneta: The Forsaken (a similar thing, but written from another character’s PoV), but it needs more proofing and reorganizing before I post it.

I won’t even go in to the time I spent on Twitter/Facebook/forums and the such. And now, here I am writing this blog post! I may have too many blogs.

I should get paid for this, haha!


Of Course I’m 21!

A lot of people lie about their age. Mostly it comes from women who have passed whatever age it is that makes them feel old (I’ve seen this anywhere from 30-50). They “stopped counting at ____”, which stops being believable after a few short years.

Maybe it’s just because I don’t feel old yet (though, I *was* supposed to die at 25, what’s up Universe?!), but I just don’t get it. What does that accomplish? I’d just feel worse about making people think I’m younger than I am and whatever perceived benefits that has, because darn it, I’m old! Any actual (not social) perks to being younger would just take someone looking at your ID to debunk, then you’re done.

I could see saying I’m old when I have grey hair for the senior discount on my food though hehehe.

But, I’d be lying if I said I never lied about my age. I haven’t lied about my age in quite a few years, though. I used to do it back in that age gap between 18 and 21, when I was old enough to vote, smoke, and go to war, but not old enough to drink (is it just me, or is that ridiculous?).

It’s crazy how far a short skirt, high heels, and a winning smile will get you when “I forgot my ID, but of course I’m 21!”. It worked more often than not.

So tell me, have you lied about your age? Why? Can you shed some light on why other people might do it?


Hello? Echo… echo… echo…

I was looking at my archives, and I realized that man, my blog posting habits have crashed and burned. I guess, to be fair, I’ve separated my content a little bit by opening a special craft blog over at katili*made and posting some old stories over at Names Changed*, but even if you add those posts, I’ve still been awfully quiet. I’ve gotten boring in my old age and spend a lot of time at home.

But, I do want to get my blog back to at least a fraction of it’s former glory! It’s requiring some back end effort and reorganization.

For starters, I’m in the process of switching the blog over to WordPress. I find that ExpressionEngine is now a bit overkill for this site, and I think I’d rather use it for my portfolio. WordPress is super easy to run a blog out of, and I’m looking forward to the final switch. I’ll let you know when it’s done, it’s still in a sandbox being configured and the such.

Obviously I need to post more. To help kick-start good blogging habits, I’ve decided to participate in NaBloPoMo.. we’ll see if I can post daily AND keep up with my NaNoWriMo novel. I might explode before December!

That’s all for today, but we’ll see what tomorrow brings. I need a nap, I had a busy weekend.