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About the Site

KSF is the ever-changing, identity-challenged website of an equally baffled 30-something year old by the name of Katie. That’s me. You can learn more about me on the About the Girl page.

I bought the domain on April 14th, 2004 for a grand total of $6.95 on GoDaddy. It’s since gone up in price and is registered with NameCheap. It is hosted by

Comment Policy

  1. Do not post any spam or use keywords that could be considered spam.
  2. Do not post any links to any site that may cause harm or steal information from users.
  3. If you are leaving a comment, please use your real name, nickname, or alias. Please do not use keywords in order to elevate your ranking in search engines. Names are subject to approval, and anything suspicious will be subject to deletion.
  4. Please leave relevant comments. Off-topic comments may or may not be deleted, at my discretion.
  5. It’s ok to disagree with me (or others) as long as you act maturely. I will not tolerate stupid fights on my blog.
  6. Keep in mind that commenting here is a privilege, not a right. Users that repeatedly or severely violate these Comment Policies may be banned at my discretion.

Any comment found to be violating the Comment Policy may be deleted.

Disclosure Policy

This policy is valid from 26 May 2011

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Katie.

This blog does not accept any form of advertising, sponsorship, or paid insertions. We write for our own purposes. However, we may be influenced by our background, occupation, religion, political affiliation or experience.

The owner of this blog will never receive compensation in any way from this blog.

The owner of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owner. If I claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, I will only endorse products or services that I believe, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

If you have any questions or concerns about these policies, please feel free to email me.