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Knitting, Wheeee!

So, I’ve been doing a lot of knitting lately. Nothing spectacular, since I’m just learning and all, but it’s been fun so far, except for the whole “having to buy yarn and needles in a million sizes” part… that kind of sucks heh. I have this scarf that I’ve been working on forEVER it seems, I think one day that will be done. I’m also working on these very basic wrist warmers. I just started knitting in the round, so I chose that pattern because it’s pretty easy. I’m going to make some nicer ones when I finish, though I must say… it’s really hard to motivate myself to knit the things when it’s 100 degrees outside haha.

So I found a few patterns that I am going to modify to fit Momoko, since I’ve got one of those coming in the mail. I made a top but I think it came out too wide. It’s hard to knit for something that isn’t right in front of you! Also, teeny tiny hats are hard.

I did finish this little Nano Warmer though! Heh. That yarn that I used is rather elastic-y so I needed to knit up something quick and easy to get used to the yarn. I just need to sew a button on it.

So! Any other knitters out there in my Blogosphere? Or crocheters? If you’re on Ravelry, add me to your friends!


  1. yoshi
    yoshi Jul 1, 2008

    I was told that knitting was a great way for me to quit smoking. But I already quit, so I never took up knitting. Not sure if I’ll ever start doing that. LOL It’s a pretty girly thing to do. LOL

    So, what is a nano warmer? LOL you have to login to see it, and I don’t have an account so…

    Also, are wrist warmers similar to leg warmers? LOL for some reason I found that kinda entertaining.

  2. Sheila
    Sheila Jul 2, 2008

    I’ve been looking for a place to take knitting classes but so far I haven’t been able to find a place that had classes that worked with my schedule.  I don’t think I could figure it out by myself or using some internet tutorial.

  3. Katili
    Katili Jul 7, 2008

    @yoshi: oh lame, I didn’t realize you had to be logged in to see the projects :( The nano warmer is on my Flickr… Nano Cozy!

    @Sheila: there are some pretty good video tutorials on the basics and some of the not so basics at, I learned a few techniques there. You should check it out :)

  4. Sheila
    Sheila Jul 8, 2008

    I most definitely will! Thanks!

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