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I’m in Portland!!!!!

After a whole awful lot of driving, I have finally arrived in Portland!!!! YAY!

I have no furniture and I am really insanely tired. Pictures and stories coming when, well, my brain functions. I just wanted you guys to know I made it and am alive! There’s a couple of pictures from my journey on KSF To-Go to tide you over. Now I am off to somewhat organize my stuff and then watch a movie and sleep.

Oh yeah, and new housemate is totally awesome.

That is all.


  1. Jess
    Jess Mar 2, 2007

    Yay! Congratulations on surviving the move! How’s Portland?

  2. Lifedrum
    Lifedrum Mar 2, 2007

    Welcome HOME my friend Katie. 

  3. jyunmi
    jyunmi Mar 3, 2007

    congrats on making it through that trip. I remember I had to go from portland to san diego once. Not a pretty sight. Thank the gods there is a gas station every 5 miles along the I5

  4. Jules
    Jules Mar 4, 2007

    C’mon, lets get an update already :D

  5. yoshi
    yoshi Mar 5, 2007

    yay you made it! Of course, right now it’s all snowy/rainy. :p

  6. Katili
    Katili Mar 5, 2007

    Oregon :)

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