General Stats:
Words Written Today: 3833
Total Words Written: 13441
Write-ins attended: 5
Words Written at a Write-in Today: 3794
Total Words Written at Write-ins: 9178
Cups of Coffee/Tea: 11
Pints of Beer: 5
Plans Changed to Accommodate More Writing: 2
Named Characters Killed: 0
Scenes Completed: 17
Scenes that Will Probably be Cut Later: 3
Random Ideas Generated: 12
Random Thoughts:
- Sadly, beer doesn’t work as much better than coffee as I would have hoped.
- However, writing while buzzed is still better than writing while caffeinated.
- I found the most inspirational bathroom on the planet today.
- I now not only know what my MC’s motivation is, I also know how it ties into a handful of scenes I thought I was going to have to cut in December.
Last Line I Wrote Today:
“You’re starting to sound like Bobby. Jude is fine right where he is, I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself. But thanks, really. Can you go keep an eye out for Beast for me?”
Typos of the Day:
There were way too many for me to even try to keep track of them, and some of them were doozies. Also, there is no Q in barbecue.
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