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Boys Are Annoying

Today there was a guy that came in to my work for an interview. When he walked in and I asked what his name was (… because I needed to know so I could print out his paperwork) his eyes got all big and round when he looked at me and from that point on I had to repeat like, everything because he was too flustered to pay attention. I think most people would have been flattered, but really… I was a little irritated. Pffft.


  1. yoshi
    yoshi Mar 19, 2007

    I don’t get it. Why *wouldn’t* you need to know his name? What was he thinking?

  2. yoshi
    yoshi Mar 19, 2007

    Hmm your gravatars are weird… I know I have a gravatar… and it works on other sites. I wonder if they changed the code on how to display gravatars?

  3. Sparky Duck
    Sparky Duck Mar 21, 2007

    You must have befuddled him with your good looks.

  4. Katili
    Katili Mar 24, 2007

    Yoshi, I have no clue why yours are not working. Other people’s are… :( Yours is showing the gravatar default, not the default i assigned for people that don’t have one, which is weird.

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