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100 Facts in 100 Days – Fact 011 & 012

11: My musical taste is very fickle. I adamantly dislike many things until they become familiar, then I’m like, OMG LOVE

<333 haha.

12: I’ve met my future Pretentious Art Snob self. It freaked me out. I was an art exibit with a friend and I was looking around to see if I could spot the artist.. there was a lady there who looked scarily like me. Her hair was in the perfect little black bob that my hair was *supposed* to be and she had the weirdest/coolest dress on ever and red lipstick. I swear, if in 10 years I turn into a real artist, I’ll be her.


  1. Bianca
    Bianca Aug 23, 2006

    Thanks for your gracious hosting of my blog this week.

  2. Jules
    Jules Aug 23, 2006

    I’d have nightmares for months if I met my 10 year future self haha.

  3. gem
    gem Aug 25, 2006

    I like the graphic design of Kat Scratch Fever…and great name though you don’t look old enough to remember Ted Nugent. Very original. The 100 things in 100 days is a great idea to keep readers coming back. Your personality comes through in your writing style, breezy, fresh. I enjoyed your blog. :up:

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