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Month: July 2006

45 – I Uhm.. Haha.

I have a bruise on my knee. I’m tired and cold and hungry but not hungry. My tooth feels weird and I need to sneeze.
I’m whiney when I’m tired.



44 – My Head is Malfunctioning

Oh man. I am REALLY tired.
And not feeling well again. I had been doing kind of sort of ok but now I’m like.. gaaaaaaaaaaah bleh.

2.5 hours. 4 more posts. *musters up the last of strength*

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43 – What I Like Best

Sappy time! Cat wants to know what we like best about our lives…

I definitely have to go with my friends and family. They’re awesome ♥ Sonia participates in all my silly little whims and has adventures with me. Jeff takes care of me and lights the stove and sings happy birthday to me. My momma leaves me silly comments. Harlan supplies me with all sorts of things I need to be a big geek (yay!). Tom makes sure I don’t starve to death and that I’m caffeinated often enough to not go postal. My grandma is my safety net. And everybody else is awesome too. Without them, I’d have next to nothing.


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42 – Tragedy Diverted!

You may remember me mentioning a minor tragedy that had befallen me.

Well. The tragedy is no more! Sonia located my other earring and they are both safely back in my ears :D

I was actually kind of surprised at the fact that I had to work to get them back in, and they’d only been out about 20 hours. I would have liked to put a little Vaseline on them but I don’t have any, so I cleaned them with rubbing alchohol and that was that.

Yay earrings! I need to go buy new backs for them I guess.

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41 – I Forgot What I Was Going To Say

I know I had an entry all planned out in my head but now that I was almost ready to post it, the connectors in my brain are like, “Hey, we should be sleeping right now, I forgot!” WHATEVER BRAIN! *useless*

So. I’m now listening to Bad 80’s Music. “There was a lot of it”.
The global tags have not let me down.
…. oh god. please shoot me. I now have Our House stuck in my head.

Me and Sonia are getting tired now. MEEEP.

Running through, cheering on my monitorees.. this is the part where it gets hard, the home stretch.. we’re close though, keep blogging!!!!11

…. ok and since I’m almost famous today….
“HI MOM!!!!!”