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Tag: pulled over

Vinz is Here!!


So Friday after work I began my 8 hour epic journey to Chico to pick Vinz up. The drive down was mostly uneventful and really damn long. I got there at like, 1:30 in the morning and I was exhausted after working all day and not sleeping the day before. Good times.

Vinz was so excited to see me! :D It was awesome, I missed my doggy. Friend Tom and my mom brought him halfway for me. Then the next day we went to breakfast and Vinz and I came home. The drive back was… mostly uneventful, and even longer cause I had to keep stopping trying to get Vinz to poop. He never did, bugger.

Oh well, the eventful part was when CHP pulled me over 20 miles from the border. They clocked me going 90 hahahaha. Oops. But then Vinz was being all buddy-buddy with the cop (who was quite confused when he saw my CA license with an address in Glendale, my registration with an address in Burbank, and my Oregon car insurance lmao) and so, the cop was like “tell you what, how about if I give you a warning on the speed, and a fix-it ticket because I can’t figure out where you actually live, so the DMV probably has no idea either.” and I was like “… that sounds good to me, I’ll let the DMV know I’m in Portland now, thanks :D” and Vinz was like, “hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi !!” and I was like “no dude, we are being pulled over, this is not exciting.”

That is all.


My Streak Has Ended

Jeff: So what’d you do for the last 5 hours?
Me: Oooh, I went to the doctor, he poked my eyeball and said I have a sinus infection so I got medicine.. went to my mom’s house… had pizza… played DS… got pulled over.. you know.
Jeff: ……… oy.

It was an unmarked cop car! And I swear I thought it was a 35 zone. Going 40 in a 35 is acceptable. However, 40 in a 25 is… well, not. They were looking for a stolen black car. I was driving a.. not stolen black car. So after some polite conversation (including a pop quiz on who the car belongs to), he handed me back my stuff (.. well, my license and Jeff’s registration) and told me to slow down. YAY NO TICKET!

But still. I have been tainted :(

CURSE YOU KARMIMI!!!!!!!1111!!eleventy-one.