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Tag: photos

Some Awesome Pictures

Strangely, I have nothing to say today. So, I will end the weekend with some Flickr photos that I really like (by other people). I may make this a weekly thing, Sunday is usually pretty mellow for me, but we’ll see. In the meantime, enjoy these photos.

1. L1003704.jpg, 2. sayonara scumbags, 3. October 2, 4. Cocedores, 5. Deus Ex Machina, 6. Beads. {explored}, 7. natural sparkling droplets, 8. Chocolate Filled Blackberry Soufflés, 9. Lighthouse trail, 10. 8077, 11. a moment of sweet life, 12. Caramel Apples, 13. Mohican Love

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Presenting… Xoie!

I got a puppy! Her name is Xoie (like Zoe) and she is a longhair miniature dachshund. She’s adorable and hilarious to boot.

She was really clingy the first couple days and all she did was sit on the couch with me but now she is more independent and adventurous and likes to get herself stuck under the couch. She’s rad.

Here are a couple pictures:



And here is a video of her playing with her ball:

So, she’s keeping me pretty entertained and distracted. Taking her out 10 times a day in the freezing cold and wet kind of sucks though. No more winter puppies, ever.