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Tag: Blogathon 2006

49 – FOR THE WIN!!!!

This is it! I made it!

I’m going to write this, then take Vinz out to potty, then SLEEEP at long last!

I’d like to first off, thank all my sponsors. I’m pleased as punch to have exceeded my goal. I can sit here and blog for 24 hours, but it doesn’t mean a thing without my sponsors. So, thank you!

I’d also like to thank everybody that stopped by and commented. All the comments were like words of encouragement, and I appreciate it!

I’m quite surprised at how much harder 24 hours of blogging is than I thought it would be. My brain is just like.. NOT THERE hahahaha. That said, I do think I’ll be participating again next year.

I also met a lot of cool people that I’d like to keep in touch with outside of the ‘thon.

Here’s to charities, and bloggers! *cheers*


*passes out*


48 – I Still Need To Unpack

I’m looking around my room and surveying the messiness of it. My eyes just hit my suitcase.

Oh yeah, I should unpack huh?

Sleep soon. Then I have to eventually get up and clean some, and do laundry. But that’s all in a far, far away place.

Is it normal to not unpack for like, 5 days?


47 – Anna Banana Sherbert

A recipe even the Katie’s of the world can handle (ie: those that cannot cook!), it’s really tasty.

Anna-Banana Sherbert
1 Quart or 6 Large Servings
4 very ripe bananas 2 cups evaporated milk
2 lemons 2 cups whole milk
2 cups sugar
1. Mash the bananas with a fork.
2. Squeeze juice from lemons and strain to remove seeds.
3. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
4. Pour into a shallow container and freeze.

Comments closed

45 – I Uhm.. Haha.

I have a bruise on my knee. I’m tired and cold and hungry but not hungry. My tooth feels weird and I need to sneeze.
I’m whiney when I’m tired.
