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System Maintenance

I was a little bit behind on the times, and a version behind EE. Oops. My poor little blog has been neglected. But no more! I plan to fix this, mmmmhmm! So yesterday I installed the latest version of ExpressionEngine, and boy did Vista give me crap for trying to do so. SmartFTP decided to stop working, which sucks. Dreamweaver wouldn’t connect to my server, which also sucks. I wound up having to download CuteFTP which is cool, but I’ll be sad in 30 days when my trial runs out. Then my internet kept dropping. It wasn’t my day haha.

Anyhow! That is all taken care of now. Last night, I found a killer free (open source) template that I love (yes, I’m getting lazy with my web design, shush!) and I hooked up my XP box and modified the images and CSS to better suit my site. So over the next couple days I just need to write up the EE code and make all my pages.

Anticipate a new layout by the end of the week

One Comment

  1. Bobby McGee
    Bobby McGee Nov 24, 2007


    There is a Firefox extension called FireFTP that acts as a built-in FTP client inside Firefox. Once you’ve installed it, go to Tools > FireFTP and set up an account by clicking the Manage account button in the upper lefthand corner of the window or pressing SHIFT + ALT + M. Fill out the info. It works nicely, the only thing it doesn’t show is the .htaccess file, if you have one (and let’s face it, you really should), so keep a very strict back-up of it. :)

    I’ve been using it more and more lately, and it carries all the features of an FTP client, including switching upload modes (ASCII/Binary/Auto). If you need help just ask. ;)

    Can’t wait for the new layout and YAY for updated EE! The new EE just kicks ass, doesn’t it?

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