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Month: August 2006

Phone Woes and Sore Throat

Saturday I broke my cellphone. The display went all wonky on it. So yesterday I went to the dealer and he arranged for T-Mobile to send me a new phone under warranty. So all I have to do is send this one back. Well, of course, today the phone is working PERFECTLY. Both displays are just fine. Since Saturday the inner one would blink on and off and the outer one was either inverted (upside down and backwards) or black. Today I see my clock, I see my image, the logos are the right way.. so they’re gonna be like, “uh there’s nothing wrong with this phone besides the teethmarks on it”. Blah. I hear they can charge the cost of the phone if they think you’re trying to cheat the warranty :| DIE PHONE, PLEASE!!!

Oh yeah, lets test the blockquote css. La la la!

In other news I think my bathroom cleaner tried to kill me. I bought this tile spray stuff and omg. It felt like sandpaper in my lungs just being in the bathroom. I had to leave for an hour and couldn’t breathe right half of that time. This morning, my throat is KILLING me. I can’t swallow well and the soft squishy sinus-thing on the top of my mouth is crazy swollen. I’m thoroughly miserable and I want to go back home and sleep.


Chicken and Fried Noodles for Cheap!

This is something Jeff came up with the other day, and it was extremely yummy and extremely inexpensive.

I don’t know exactly what he did so I’ll just explain it as best I can, and you can figure it out :D

First, he took some chicken and cooked it with some oil. Then he took a package of chicken flavored Top Ramen and cooked the noodles for about a minute (the water was already boiling) just to let it absorb some water. Then he stir-fried (so he described it to me) the noodles with a little more oil with the chicken and mixed in about half the package of ramen flavoring.

And it was quite tasty. The texture of the noodles was really awesome because they were kind of hard without being like.. crispy. If that makes sense. So you guys will have to try it and let me know how it comes out :D


100 Facts in 100 Days – Fact 004

4: I was a clever kid with a killer imagination and awfully bad luck. For instance, one time, I thought it’d be fun to play rock-climbing at my grandmas house. There’s stairs up to the patio that go up about… 6 feet or so I’d say. So I tied my rope to the rail and went downstairs and started climbing the wall with my rope.

It was all fun and games until my knot came undone (yeah yeah, I was never a boy scout, I know nothing of making knots [they don’t teach girl scouts that do they? I wasn’t one of those either.) and I fell the whole way down and landed in a bush. Ouch.