Sunday is generally the House Work Day in the Katie-Tom Household. I think we skipped it last week and boy howdy, we have a glorious mess. I put all the clean clothes away, and am currently doing laundry. I also gave the puppy a bath cause she smelled funny. Tom is doing dishes and vacuuming. We picked up all the random trash and stuff and now the apartment looks like an apartment again instead of a pigsty. Yay clean! And he also bought a box of Samoas which are the greatest cookies in the whole wide world.
I suppose if I really wanted to get through I could finish unpacking the boxes in the closet… but… meh!
How’s the cleaning done in your house? I know, it’s such a fascinating subject haha. My grandma cleans her house (throughly) every single day. That seems like it’d be really tiring! Hrm.
we need to clean more. we don’t have a designated day, we just clean it when we do. usually weekly or so. :D
I hate cleaning. I have a girl that comes in twice a week and does it for me. I had to hire a second person to come clean up after Kailyn’s birthday though. It was a mess. :party: