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Tag: sonia

A Visit from Sonia

Oh, did I say this blog would see some life? By that I meant that it would be on life support and occasionally twitch. Sorry for the misunderstanding ;)

I’m a little sad actually, I was planning on blogging about my trip to Canada, but apparently that was already almost a year ago and blogging about it now would be embarrassing haha. If you care you can see my vacation pictures on Flickr though. Kevin took me to Victoria for my birthday last year and I absolutely loved it there. It really was My Place, I even knew how to navigate it and find places (which, if you know me, you know is a miracle because some days I swear I can get lost going from my kitchen to the bathroom).

Anyway. A bit more relevant as far as the Timeline goes is that the always amazing Sonia came to visit me last month! I hadn’t seen her in over a year, which is way too long for us to be apart. What did we do while she was visiting? The exact same things we’ve always done for as long as we’ve known each other; we ate, we drank, we ran around doing random things. I love how some things never change!


The first stop was Mongolian food, which it a tradition that dates waaaay back to when we first met. Because nothing says BFF Love like a pile of noodles bigger than any mere mortal could eat. During the trip we also had margaritas, ice cream, piroshkies, crepes, omelettes, and more!

We didn’t only eat though! We also went to the shooting range, where Kevin taught her the basics of archery. She did well and had a blast, which was awesome! I did pretty badly, which means I just need to go practice more. Oh, you didn’t know I did archery? It’s a new hobby, I have a pretty bow. More about that another time. We also did touristy stuff around Seattle, including visiting the Gum Wall which is pretty much the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen haha.

Her visit was way too short, but we had a great time. I can’t wait to see her again!

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Andy, You Killed Her!

Andy was a piercer on the East coast; I always forget if he was from Philadelphia or somewhere else. Anyway, he was legally licensed to do piercings somewhere that wasn’t Los Angeles. Considering that I got my first tattoo in my uncle’s back yard, the idea of getting a piercing in someones kitchen didn’t seem that bad to me.

I wanted to get my eyebrow done and Sonia wanted to get her lip pierced, and Andy kindly volunteered to do them for us for the low price of bringing him something to eat, which beats the hell out of $40/each.

After being rescheduled a few times, getting lost, and having Andy not be home when we showed up, we eventually got all 3 of us in the same place with the proper equipment and said meal. I got my eyebrow done first, as Sonia had never gotten a piercing and was kind of nervous. It was pretty straightforward and weird-feeling. It didn’t hurt that much but didn’t stop me from saying “OW Andy I hate you!” even though I didn’t mean it.

So then we sat Sonia down to get her lip pierced. She said it didn’t hurt that much and then got up and went to look at it in the bathroom, and all seemed well… until she got this glazed look in her eyes. Andy got up and got her some bread, which she nibbled, the wobbled…

Then fell forward, hit her head on the table and fell out of her chair.

I freaked out. Not even kidding. She was laying on the ground, kind of twitching. “OMFG ANDY YOU KILLED SONIA!” He casually sauntered over and commented that that had never happened before and he wasn’t quite sure what to do. That didn’t calm me down any. “OMG OMG OMG ANDY!!!!!!! What am I going to tell her parents?!”

A moment later, Sonia sat up and looked around, with a clear “why the hell am I on the floor?” look on her face and said “Oh, hi guys” like NOTHING HAPPENED. I was still freaking out. “OMG SONIA YOU WERE DEAD AND ANDY DIDN’T KNOW WHAT TO DO AND OMG OMG OMG!” I had never seen anybody go into shock; I’m surprised I didn’t pass out watching.

Afterward we went to her house, got in trouble and watched Butterfly Effect. Sonia actually still has that piercing. I had to take mine out at one point, but I got it redone because I missed it.

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She’ll Eat It If It’s Melted!

On one of those occasions when Sonia, Andy and I cut class did field research for our class, we were driving around Santa Monica talking about nothing in particular. Well, mostly, Sonia and Andy were talking about nothing in particular. I was in the back seat keeping to my self because I was kind of moody that day. After a while, the conversation turned to my cheese eating habits. Yes. Sonia and Andy were talking about when I will and will not eat cheese, because they were not content to simply leave it at “I don’t really like cheese”.

So they went on a step by step analysis on when they had seen me eat cheese.

“She eats pizza.” “She doesn’t like cheese on her sandwich at Subway.” “On occasion, she’ll eat a cheeseburger and not a plain hamburger.” “She doesn’t eat cheese balls with her family at Christmas.” and so on and so forth. Do you have any idea how WEIRD it is listening to two people analyze your eating habits while driving around town?! Very.

After about 5 minutes, Andy turned around and looked at me, and said, “Well, it’s not an exact science, but we’ve decided that for the most part, you like cheese if it’s melted!”

He sounded very pleased with himself.

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