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Category: Media

Overplayed Love

Radio stations really like to find a song and play it into the ground, don’t they? They’ll play a song, I’ll like it, and then they’ll KEEP PLAYING IT until I hate it. But, every now and then a song will survive. Here are three examples:

You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift

She’s adorable and the song is sweet. Don’t judge me!

Bulletproof by La Roux

It’s a fun, catchy song. I miss the 80’s.

Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon

It’s just fun to sing along with in the car.

These may not be overplayed anymore, but they were back when I actually listened to the radio. Also, I have bad taste in music, as evidenced by my account.

What overplayed songs do you love, anyway?


Vampires in a Parallel Universe

Earlier today, Yoshi and I got to talking about Kindred: The Embraced and how sad it was that the show got canceled when Mark Frankel died. That got us wondering, how different would the whole vampire craze have been if that show stayed on and got popular back in the 90’s? I thought I summed it up pretty well on Twitter

If Kindred the Embraced hadn’t been canceled we’d be over vampires, Twilight wouldn’t have happened, and the world would be a better place.

The idea amused me and the thought process kept going, so I thought I’d expand a little.

Seriously though, if Kindred had kicked off the vampire craze back in 1996, we’d totally be sick of them by now. I hear Showtime was talking about picking up the show, which would have upped the awesome factor a bit. If the longevity of X-Files and the popularity of Buffy and Angel is anything to go off, the audience was definitely there. I think it could have done really well.

And, since Vampires would have been (very) loosely based on the White Wolf definitions, they would have been a lot cooler. I’ve played both the old World of Darkness vampires and the new ones, and those vampires are way cool.

So in this parallel universe I’m thinking of, Vampire Mania started in 1996. I’m guessing it probably ended about 2003, cause we all know that we have short attention spans. That means that by 2005, when the first Twilight book came out, nobody cared about vampires anymore, which means the book probably never got published. This, more to the point, means that the movies never got made, and my kind will not go down as the generation that like sparkly vampires.

Tell me how that doesn’t make this a better place to live?


What’s On The Tube?

So, some of you may know this, but I don’t have cable. And because I don’t pay for cable and also don’t have my TV even jacked into the wall because that’s where my router is connected, I don’t really get basic channels either. I get very fuzzy CW and Fox and that’s it.

So needless to say, I don’t watch a whole lot of TV.

But Netflix offers season series, so we’ve picked up a few of those. I am very behind haha. We watched seasons 1 and 2 of Weeds.. that show is hilarious! I can’t wait to watch season 3. It’s not out yet :(

Now we’re working on Heros. That show started out really slow but got good after a few episodes. Save the cheerleader, save the world! Bwahahhaha. Hahahahhaha. Ha.

I’ve also been through House a few times. I love that show. Though it started to get a little lame. Oh well. Oh, and we also watch a lot of Family Guy, Futurama, and South Park cause Tom owns all of those. They just never get old hehe.

What shows do you guys watch? I need to know what to put on my Netflix list after we finish Heros and Two and a Half Men.


Look Out, Here Comes the Spiderman!!!!


So I went to the midnight showing of Spiderman 3. I LOVE SPIDERMAN!! (pronounced: spih-der-men)

Anyway. It was totally awesome. The Sandman was cool! I liked the part when he was first getting up. Ok and can I just say I love Topher Grace? He’s such a dork haha And uhmmmmmm, I still don’t like Kirsten Dunst as a redhead. And poor Harry. Ok so I don’t want to accidentally give any spoilers in my half-asleep state, and I have to be at work in 5 hours so I should probably make it a full-sleep state soon.

In a nutshell: Spiderman 3 was a little cheesy but still TOTALLY AWESOME.

The end.