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Month: March 2009

Taking Over The World, One Chip at a Time

It was one of those days, where work just, you know, sucked. It sucked something fierce, and not just for me. It was a universal thing it seemed. So after work, Friend Tom and I headed to Island’s for Happy Hour, because margaritas make everything better.

I believe it may have been this trip that lead to “FACÉ!!!!!” which to this day makes me giggle. But that’s another story.

During this Happy Hour, our Master Plan was born. You see, Friend Tom and I are going to take over the world. It’s a fact; it’s just that nobody believes us. But when you see tortilla chips on car windshields, you will know one of two things: either our master plan is going into effect, or Friend Tom and Friend Katie have had WAY too much to drink.

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Car Accidents Suck

So those of you that keep up with my Twitter may have already picked up that I was in a small car accident late last week. It was between my boyfriends small car and a pickup. It was low speed, but I still got bounced in my seat, and am kind of miserable on and off. My back aches if I sit still too long and my legs hurt if I stand up too long. I’m in good condition though. My boyfriends car though… not so much. He’s gotta get a new one. He’s been spending a lot of time looking at the Honda Fit, which I think is hideous but, well, it’s not my car so… /shrug.

His insurance agency has been really good though. I’ve had to talk to them a few times, and they’re covering my trip to the doctor to make sure that it’s just “normal” aches and pains (it is) and also my trips to the chiropractor, which is awesome. They put my boyfriend in a nice rental car, too.

So, I can now add “been in car accident” in my list of Things I’ve Done Before Dying :p


Names Changed* – New Project

So, the other day when I was cleaning/packing, I had something of a nervous tick come up out of nowhere, and I wouldn’t stop telling stories about old friends of mine. Pod suggested starting a blog where I could tell these old stories, since Kat Scratch Fever is really more a “now” blog than a “then” blog.

So, I started a new blog. Yea, I know, I’m addicted.

Names Changed* is now up and running and open. There’s only 2 entries so far, and I don’t know how often it’ll be updated, but the stories will be interesting. It’ll give some insight as to how I got where I am today.

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